Shacman D'long X3000 Heavy Trucks Sales in Jining City

July 15,2015 Shacman exhibition entered Jining City, the home of Confucius, on July 9. And leaders from Shacman Office in Jinan City, FAST Office in Jinan City and Jining Huixin Auto Sales Company and Jining Huatong Logistics Company and Jining Jiayuan Auto Sales Company joined the event. Jining Huixin is placing promotions for the customers and 18 trucks are ordered in the event and 6 of which are X3000, and as many as 69 customers expressed their willing to buy the truck.  

Jining Huixin Auto Sales Company is introducing the truck with 360 degrees show for D'long X3000 tractors in terms of fuel prudence, lightweight, durability, comfort, safety and intelligence six aspects. And they are also showing the complete vehicles, power trains, performance of the truck, and all the switches and some human oriented designs and they answered the questions by the customers.

The detailed introduction let the customers know better about the truck's performances and high cost-performance ratio and great after sales services, and this will help to improve the market shares of Shacman trucks.

During the first half year, Shacman 360 degrees road exhibition have entered many provinces in China and they also bring many promotions for the local heavy truck users at the same time.

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