Telma Vehicle Braking System (Shanghai) CO., Ltd
August 25,2017

A retarder is essential on coaches today. Not only does it handle most of the braking, it also guarantees that passengers and driver travel in comfort and safety.
Telma is the world’s leading manufacturer of electromagnetic retarders and has become much more than simply a brand name – it has become the by – word by which coach operators refer to their retarder.
Reliability built on quality
The Telma product is the result of the latest developments in design and production techniques, including the use of powerful CAD/CAM design and manufacturing systems, high-performance computer and numerically-controlled machine tools and the most modern industrial methods. Rigorous quality control at all stages of the production process, together with arduous test programmes, both on the test-bench and on the road, ensure the total satisfaction of customers. Telma is AFAQ qualified to ISO/TS16949 standards.
Profitable safety
Telma retards are almost entirely maintenance-free. In addition, they can improve operating profits by reducing the maintenance costs of the vehicle:
By substantially reducing brake temperatures, the Telma retarder can increase the lining service life by a factor of between 4 and 8.
By reducing heat transfer from the brakes into the side-walls of the tyres allows easier retreading.
By providing better downhill control, it can reduce average journey times by 10%.
Better vehicle scheduling, improved delivery deadlines, reduced down-time, and savings on maintenance… with Telma, safety really is a profitable option.
The Telma retarder is essential on coaches, especially in mountainous areas with long downhill descents. It is permanently coupled to the driven wheels and is always available with absolutely no danger of accidentally ”losing” the gears. By handling up to 80% of all brake applications, the service brakes are kept cool and efficient ready for any emergency.
The Telma retarder is compatible with all ABS/ABR and EBS system.
Simple to use
The electromagnetic operating principle of the Telma system provides an instantaneous and very smooth braking.
Flexible control systems offer a choice of dash-mounted hand-control, automatic foot-control or a combination of both; four retarder stages provide the optimum retardation to suit all road and traffic conditions.
Tags: Telma