Exploring the Best Solutions for Purchasing New Energy Trucks

December 26,2024      chinatrucks.com


Content Validity:In this video, we explore the real-life experiences of resource transport professionals, Xiao Xiaojun and Liu Ying, as they share their journeys with DeepWay's heavy trucks. Facing the challenges of high costs, limited range, and inadequate after-sales support when purchasing new energy vehicles, they found innovative solutions that transformed their operations. From successfully selling old trucks at a fair price to navigating financing and maximizing the value of new vehicles, DeepWay, with ShiQiao Group's support, provided tailored solutions to ease their financial pressures. Learn how DeepWay’s seamless integration of vehicle sales, financing, and after-sales service is revolutionizing the resource transport industry, empowering businesses to thrive in the new energy era.
#Deepway #Electrictruck  #Shiqiaogroup
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