440 SAIC Light-duty Trucks Delivered to Overseas Market

January 07,2022

OVERSEAS Jan 7 (chinatrucks) -- At the very beginning of 2022, 440 SAIC light-duty trucks arrived at Shanghai Haitong International Automotive Terminal, getting ready to be sent to overseas market.

Batch deliver of 440 vehicles is a major challenge for the factory and logistics sector. The Logistics team has stayed up all night long during the New Year's holiday to ensure that all the vehicles could catch the first ship of the New Year to overseas market.

Despite a highly competitive market affected by COVID-19, SAIC Light Truck has kept targeting at the overseas mid-to-high-end market.

In response to seminars in specific applications, SAIC has performed an upgrade to products since they were launched into overseas market in June 2020. With a good reputation in the region, the demand for SAIC light-duty trudks was again rising. 

Source : www.chinatrucks.com

Editor : Daisy

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Tags : SAIC

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