332 FOTON Gratour Mini Trucks to Go into Service in the Philippines

November 23,2021

PHILIPPINES, November 23, 2021 /chinatrucks.com/ -- On November 19, 15 FOTON Gratour mini trucks officially went into service in the Philippines. These vehicles will be used for civilian purposes such as security patrols, rescue and disaster relief operation, to contribute to the growth of the Philippine economy.

The 15 FOTON Gratour mini trucks are part of a total order for 332 vehicles from CAVITE authority, which FOTON Motor secured through LGU (Local Government Units) tender project.

As relief work needs to be done immediately after the disaster, this requires the vehicles with high comprehensive performance. FOTON Gratour mini truck features high maneuverability, high level of passability and attendance, making it the best choice for clients to conduct disaster relief operations.

Source : www.chinatrucks.com

Editor : Daisy

Views : 7180

Tags : Foton Gratourm Philippines

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