First SAIC Hongyan CKD Heavy-duty Truck Assembled in Tanzania

June 18,2021

June 18th, 2021 Tanzania--On June 16, SAIC Hongyan’s first CKD heavy-duty truck was successfully assembled in Tanzania, marking a new milestone in the company’s history. Its sales agent in the country revealed that it would purchase about 300 units heavy-duty trucks each year in the coming two years.

“We officially had our dealer in Tanzania in 2019 and signed a CKD agreement with our dealer in 2020. We expect to see a steady rise of our heavy-duty trucks in the country”, said Meng Fanyu.

Statistics show that Tanzania imported over 2,000 units heavy-duty trucks annually from China in recent years. Last year, SAIC Hongyan saw its sales in the overseas market grow by 51% year on year and reach a new record high.

“We will continue to strengthen our marketing efforts in the global market and build our after-sales network in the coming years”, said Lou Jianping, General Manager of SAIC Hongyan.

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Editor : Linda

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Tags : Hongyan

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