Sinotruk CDW Opens Flagship Store in Mandalay, Myanmar

May 07,2018

Sinotruk CDW is now ready to serve customers in Myanmar with the opening of the Mandalay Flag-ship store. CNHTC Chairman Yi Zhongbo, Chief Representative Liu Yang and Sinotruk CDW Manager Assistant Ou Weigang attended the opening ceremony and cut the ribbon.

CDW Opens Flagship Store in Mandalay, Myanmar

The new flagship store is strategically situated in Mandalay, the second largest city in Myanmar. This flagship store is said to be their second as CDW has operated the first in the country years ago. Sinotruk CDW Mandalay flagship sits on approximately 3,000 square meters adjacent to a Mandalay major highway, which is intended to be a shop with sales, services, spare parts and vehicle delivery all in one location.

Thanks to its continuous efforts for five years, Sinotruk CDW market share in Myanmar has ranked among the top three in terms of light and medium Chinese trucks. Centering on Rangoon and Mandalay, Sinotruk CDW has finished the establishment of a complete sales and service network across Myanmar. With this milestone opening of Mandalay store, Sinotruk CDW are laying the groundwork for its long-term and profitable growth in this region.

Myanmar economy has achieved great growth after the new president took office in 2018, which will bring a good opportunity for the automotive development. With its favorable environment, Sinotruk CDW is stepping up to enter the truck market abroad as its main measure to accelerate the international process. (

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