Indonesia International Commercial Vehicle Exhibition

March 27,2015 March is the end of the rainy season in Indonesia, bring a season of warmth and sunshine. SHACMAN started off this season hand in hand with the Indonesian dealer SHACMINDO PERKASA and attended the four day International Commercial Vehicle Exhibition after two months of careful planning and preparation.

SHACMAN exhibited a total of three vehicles during this event; the M3000 lorry truck, F2000 cement mixer truck and the F3000 CNG trailer truck.

This M3000 truck was comprehensively benchmarked against Japanese heavy trucks in Indonesia, and is tailored for the narrow, poor road conditions and damp weather conditions found in the Indonesian market. This event marks the first appearance of the M3000 series in Indonesia. With its novel appearance, comfortable cabin, lightweight chassis and heavy loading capabilities, it drew the attentions of many visitors as many lined up to take a seat in the driver cab.

Indonesia dealers said in order to meet the diverse needs of users, they will further introduce the full M3000 product range into the Indonesian market. We believe that in 2015 the M3000 series vehicles will make a major breakthrough in this market.


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