Sinotruk Wangpai New Products with National IV Emission

August 08,2014 Sinotruk Wangpai light truck with engine produced by EGR+DOC+POC technology were warmly welcomed during the 19th China West International Equipment and Manufacturing Expo.


The operations of the light trucks have been upgraded largely after the emissions upgraded to national 4 emission standards. And multi-slide gear shift mechanism gearbox replaced the original single slide gear shift mechanism gearbox and the comprehensive shifting force is 15-40N lighter so that the passengers feel like riding a passenger car.


Engine is like the heart for the vehicle, and Sinotruk Wangpai light truck have been employed ISUZU, Yunnei Power and Yuchai Power products and the power range is from 95 to 160 hp.

On the carrying ability, Sinotruk Wangpai light trucks are optional for few leaf spring, strengthened few leaf spring and multi leaf spring structures according to different vehicles and carrying requirements. And the carrying ability will largely improved matching the engine.

On safety,brake is added, and the original stamping and welding plate is replaced by casting plate with roller structure. And safer and more scientific differential combination valve is used on rear braking axle.


The Sinotruk Wangpai national 4 light trucks is upgraded from the original vehicles marking their attention on details and they are willing to enter national 4 emission era with the users.

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Tags : Sinotruk light truck National IV Emissio

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