First Dongfeng Furui truck county 4S shop opens

August 26,2011 : Dongfeng Furui truck first county 4S shop opened recently in Feixiang County in Handan, Hebei Province on August 19, marking further development of Dongfeng light truck sales networks building.

There are 1,200 m2 truck exhibition and 40,000 m2 maintenance plant in Zhenxing 4S shop. And this is the largest 4S shop in east Handan City.

The new 4S shop marks that Dongfeng Furui light trucks have been recognized by the markets, and it can surely promote sales of Furui light trucks in Feidong County.

Dongfeng Furui L, M, and S series trucks include 2,030mm, 1,880mm. and 1,730mm driving cabs, 480, 485, 490, 4100 and iEGR etc. engines, wheel bases ranging 2,400-5,200mm, and the weights are from 0.5 ton to 4 tons.

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Editor : Eric

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Tags : Dongfeng Furui light truck

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