Derry Auto Exports Its First Mini Trucks to Southeast Asia

February 01,2024

On 24 January, Derry's first overseas order was shipped to Southeast Asia, marking the company's first step towards globalization.

Dali Neomor is a new energy logistics vehicle brand officially launched on 25 November 2022 by Derry Auto–Chinese name Dali. Founded in 2017, Derry Auto is a technology company that integrates research, development, manufacturing and sales of new energy vehicles with modern green logistics solutions. It is one of the first national high-tech enterprises in China to obtain the "dual qualification" for the production of both pure electric and hydrogen fuel cell commercial vehicles, and has built a modern intelligent factory in Anyang covering an area of more than 400 acres.

In the past 12 months, Derry Auto launched two new energy commercial vehicles, Dali Neomor D01 and Dali Neomor D05 (Chinese 牛魔王01 and 牛魔王03). Since its launch in 2023, the Dali Neomor 01 has become the top seller in the mini-truck segment and is widely used as a money-maker in terminal distribution, courier transport and mobile sales. The Dali Neomor D05 is one of the 5-8 square-metre vehicle for the last 50 kilometres of urban distribution, with more volume, more payload, more energy efficiency and a better driving experience.

Dali Neomor D01 is the first Derry Auto products to go abroad and will be followed by more products to address the global demands for comfort, efficient and safe mini trucks. 

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